These are unprecedented times, and it continues to be difficult to predict how the pandemic will impact our short and long-term travel plans. In light of this uncertainty, and in the interest of safety of our clients and the general public, we have developed the following Covid-19 policy that mirrors those of other similar travel companies. As vaccines continue to roll out and we begin to understand the effects these have on travel, we will update our policy accordingly.
COVID-19 Policy
We will follow all travel safety precautions and recommendations stipulated by the US federal government and those of destination countries.
For the peace of mind and protection for participants and our in-country team, Alight Tours requires all trip participants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to the trip.
Trip cancellation fees will be waived until further notice provided the final payment deadline has not passed.
If a trip is cancelled due to a Covid 19-related federal government mandate, trip cancellation fees will be waived.
If a trip participant chooses to cancel their participation on a trip after the final payment deadline has passed, there will be a $100 cancellation penalty, as well as any costs incurred through in-country service providers.
Trip participants will adhere to the entry requirements for destination countries. Many countries require a negative PCR test before entry and completion of online forms. All costs associated with entry requirements, eg. a Covid-19 PCR test, will be the responsibility of the trip participant.
Changes to flights, travel insurance and other expenses not detailed in itineraries will be the sole responsibility of the trip participant.
A travel insurance policy that includes provisions for costs associated with Covid-19 including medical and quarantine expenses is strongly advised.
As of right now, face masks are required at all times while in vehicles, stores and other indoor spaces. This policy will be reviewed for each destination prior to departure and updated accordingly.
During in-country vehicular transport, passengers will maintain distance from others by leaving empty seats. Larger mini-buses will be utilized to accommodate these additional spacing requirements.
- Mini-buses will be sanitized thoroughly at minimum twice each day.
A hand sanitation station will be available on entry to mini-buses at all times and will consist of hand sanitizer, additional face masks, and latex gloves.
When outside, in open spaces, masks will be optional.
We will only dine at restaurants with a reduced capacity policy, and where possible dine al fresco.